Welcome To The TTAP Method
Click here to Dr. Levine Madori’s CV
For the past thirty years Linda Levine Madori, PhD, has worked in the field of Health Care as a therapist, teacher, advisor, researcher, supervisor and innovator of new psychological approach to art, brain and cogniton with regard to well aging and specifically those afflicted with Alzheimer’s disease. Since 1991, Dr. Levine Madori has been a People to People Ambassador Leader and has presented papers and lectured extensively in nine countries including Finland, Spain, Switzerland, Indonesia, Lithuanian, Prague, Russia, China and Italy. Having credentials in both Therapeutic Recreation (M.S., Ph.D.) and New York State Licensing in Creative Arts Therapy (ATR-BC#000971-1), she has had the unique experience to be professionally active on the state level and internationally in moving both professional fields forward into the 21 century. She has chaired the Creativity and Arts Track of the American Society on Aging, developed professional educational intensives for the American Art Therapy Association, and implemented workshops and professional panel presentations for educators, therapists and psychotherapists as an Ambassador Leader to the People to People International Educational Program.
Dr. Levine Madori has worked for the past 15 years at St Thomas Aquinas College, receiving tenured full Professor in 2007. Her dissertation research in Alzheimer’s disease, cognitive functioning and psychosocial well-being is the basis for Therapeutic Thematic Arts Programming for the Older Population (TTAP Method) published by Health Professionals Press in December 2006.
In September 2006, Dr. Levine Madori was awarded her first Fulbright Senior Specialist Scholarship and taught her new therapeutic approach in New Zealand and Australia. In 2009, she received a second Fulbright Award through the Finland Fulbright Office to create and teach a certificate course on the TTAP Method to health professionals in Finland. This training course is now given throughout the United States and Canada. Dr. Levine Madori was recognized for her service in the field of Therapeutic Recreation by the New York State Association receiving the Distinguished Service Award in April, and the New York State Innovative Program Award in 2009. In 2010, the TTAP Method was awarded The New York State METRO Most Influential Program Award. In 2011, Dr. Levine Madori received Academic Excellence Award from the St. Thomas Aquinas Board of Trustee’s.